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Limited-Edition Publications



This book introduces the reader to Process Psychology, a new field which emerges from the application of Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy to psychology.

Process Psychology holds the promise of integrating mind-body-spirit in a rigorous and coherent framework.

The author brings to this task more than two decades as a practicing psychotherapist, as well as an extensive background in experimental psychology, and in-depth study of psychotherapy, philosophy, and theology.

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The work before you is a truly pioneering one. It is the first sustained effort to correlate Whitehead’s ontological categories with terms developed by an influential practicing psychotherapist. Roy’s success in this undertaking makes it clear that a vast body of practical wisdom about human beings and their healing can be appropriated by followers of Whitehead.
— John B. Cobb, Jr.
Founding Co-Director, Center for Process Studies
Professor Emeritus, Claremont Graduate School and
Claremont School of Theology

Drawing from the depths of gestalt psychology and process metaphysics, David Roy sheds light on perplexing psychological questions regarding symbolism, mind-body relationship, and spiritual dimensions of human life. The meta-theory that emerges sheds light on psychology and psychotherapy alike. Such a rethinking of psychological questions and categories is invaluable for continued exploration of the human psyche and quest for health. Hopefully, this book is the beginning of a long conversation between psychology and metaphysics; hopefully, too, it will bear much fruit for psychotherapists who seek to understand more fully the complexity and mystery of the human life.
— Mary Elizabeth Moore
Professor of Religion and Education
Director of the Program for Women in Theology and Ministry
Chandler School of Theology, Emory University

This is a richly stimulating and challenging work. Along with our patients, we psychotherapists struggle with issues of ultimate meaning and purpose. In the midst of an often confusing and disturbing engagement with another, it is easy for us to take refuge in limited and static theories which emphasize technique at the expense of process; in feelings and/or thoughts without their integration; in particular religious dogmas and/or transitory spiritual “fads,” which simplify and reassure without encountering the depth and complexity of existence. Using the theories of Alfred North Whitehead to illuminate psychological process and meaning, this author offers a way of exploring the ever challenging experience and purpose of existence, from the smallest to the grandest scale, without sacrificing particularity and depth. A must read for students of psychology, philosophy and religion, as well as for practicing psychotherapists.

— Anne Petrovich, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice

Why this book is important ...
• This book is a major offering in the emerging field of process psychology.
• It provides a clear summary of Alfred North Whitehead’s process metaphysics as it relates to psychology.
Why Whitehead is important ...
• The process metaphysics of Alfred North Whitehead contains untapped power to resolve many of the splits and paradoxes that plague psychology, including the divisions between mind, body, and spirit.
• This metaphysics also can provide a bridge between experimental and clinical psychology, making for better research and practice.
• Because of these factors, there are a growing number of practitioners, scholars, and researchers who believe this metaphysics has the capacity to subtly yet radically alter many areas of psychology.
How this book helps with that quest ...
• Many psychologists and psychotherapists have found Whitehead’s thinking difficult to access. This book overcomes that obstacle by performing a thorough analysis of the correlation between process thought and a major school of psychotherapy. This becomes the vehicle that takes the reader quickly and clearly into the heart of process metaphysics as it relates to psychology on a broad scale.
• In addition, this book provides a model of how to analyze Whitehead’s concepts in Process and Reality and then bring them into dialogue with psychological matters.
• Perhaps most important is the exposure this work offers to the Whiteheadian concepts, for these concepts invariably are transforming. They have the power to clarify one’s current ideas, to extend them, and to stimulate ideas in novel directions. In mastering these concepts, you will see familiar concepts from a fresh perspective. This can be rewarding!

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